Monday, January 27, 2020

A Model of Driving Tests Battery Validation

A Model of Driving Tests Battery Validation MARKUS SOMMER, GERNOT SCHUHFRIEDâˆâ€", MIHAI ANIÃ…Â ¢EI, MIHAELA CHRAIFâˆâ€"âˆâ€" Abstract Designing a driving test battery is the most secure way to predict the driver behavior before  obtaining driver license. The objective is to design a psychological test battery to predict the driving  behavior of the potential drivers. The participants were 106 persons, both male and female, age  between 18 and 45 years old (M=34.4, 4; S.D. =1.32), different levels of education. The validity  criterion has been selected according the driving tasks during driving on the road. Thus, the value of  the test reveals the fact that the model has a strong predictive value for the chosen criteria. Key words: criteria, predictors, tachitoscopic test, determination test. 1. INTRODUCTION First studies in simulated task environments have shown that quite a large  part of the participants do not notice information that is not in accordance with  their expectations or when they do notice the information responses are delayed  (Martens, 2004; Martens Fox, 2003). This negative side of getting familiar with  a certain task environment might be the result of not spending enough time fixating  the objects in the task environment. But this decrease in fixation times to objects in  the task environment once people get familiar with the environment has only been  shown in computer-simulated environments. Drivers should question any driving skills test that does not include all the  test components as described in the appropriate study guide. In Table 1 can be seen  the required driving skills test components and the approximate time needed to  complete each. Thus the times are estimates based on an average length driving  route, good weather conditions, light traffic and a well-prepared driver. Furthermore  the same authors underline that skills tests must include all the segments listed in   Table 1. In this way a test may take more time than shown in this table, but should Also the guide underline the procedures of taking curves, entering into the  crossroads and others. These represents for the psychologists criteria in validation  of the driving tests baterry. Underlining the importance of visual functions in driving, such as acuity,  field, contrast, color and night vision can be measured as part of an eye  examination. Functional vision includes performance of daily living skills, reading  ability, mobility skills and driving skills. In this way the measurement of visual  functions is often used as a substitute from which to estimate functional vision.   According to the visual standards (Colenbrander, A. De Laey, J.J., 2006), the  visual acuity is measured often, visual field sometimes and contrast sensitivity  rarely. The authors underline that estimating predicted driving performance on the  basis of a few parameters, many other factors, such as training, experience and  familiarity with the driving environment can affect the prediction. In this way the  authors present in Figure 1 particularities of vision related functioning. As it can be observed in Figure 1, the authors undeline that the driving tests  included into the tests battery has to predict the driving performances in traffic. In  this way, they highlite that the driving safety does not depend so much on what is  seen, but rather on how quickly and how adequately drivers respond to what is  seen. So, is the moment when the time reaction tests has to be included into a  driving tests baterry. When human observers look at an optic flow stimulus their eye movements  show a regular alternation of gaze shifts and slow tracking movements at a  frequency of about 2 Hz (Niemann, Lappe, Buscher Hoffmann, 1999; Lappe   Hoffmann, 2000).Many perceptual experiments have shown that heading can be perceived  from optic flow (J.E. Cutting, P.M. Vishton, M. Flà ¼ckinger, B. Baumberger, and  J.D. Gerndt, 1997; Turano and X. Wang, 1994; Warren, D.R. Mestre, A.W.   Blackwell, and M.W. Morris, 1991; Stone and J.A. Perrone; 1997). They have  identified important requirements for accurate analysis as well as sources of error. A particular concern are eye movements which are induced by optic flow and  which, by distorting the structure of the flow field projected in the eye, compromise  heading detection. 2. THE OBJECTIVES, HYPOTHESYS, PARTICIPANTS The objective is focused to design a psychological test battery to predict the  driving behavior of the potential drivers in the way of decreasing the accident risk. The independent variables of the tests baterry are predictors for the driving  performances in traffic. The participants were 106 persons, both male and female, age between  18 and 45 years old (M = 34.4, 4; S.D. = 1.32), different levels of education. Also,  the participants were driving school students tested at two driving schools from  Bucharest. Organ structure Organ function Skills and abilities Societal consequenc. THE ORGAN THE PERSON Examples: Injury Degeneration Visual acuity Visual field Reading Mobility Employment Quality of Life ICIDH: Disorder Impairment Disability Handicap ICF: Body structure Body function Activities and Participation Barriers and Facilitators Vision: Visual Functions How the eye functions Functional Vision How the person functions DRIVING Acuity test Field test Contrast Driving ability test Driving in actual trafic Traffic conditions 246 Markus Sommer et al. 4 3. THE METHOD 3.1. THE INSTRUMENTS – RT – Reaction Test (Schuhfried, 2007). With the RT is it possible to  measure reaction time as both a simple choice and a multiple-choice reaction. Yellow light stimulus modalities are available in the test battery, so that different  stimulus constellations for the measurement of reaction time can be created. These  can range from individual stimuli to simultaneous or sequentially presented  stimulus combinations. The use of a rest key and a reaction key makes it possible  to distinguish between reaction and motor time. – Determination test (Schuhfried, 2007). The test is used to measure reactive  stress tolerance and the associated ability to react and requires the respondent to  use his cognitive skills to distinguish different colors and sounds, to memorize the  relevant characteristics of stimulus configurations, response buttons and assignment  rules, and to select the relevant responses according to the assignment rules laid  down in the instructions and/or learned in the course of the test. The difficulty of  the DT arises from the need to sustain continuous, rapid and varying responses to  rapidly changing stimuli. – Tachitoscopic test (Schuhfried, 2007). The ATAVT tests observational  ability by briefly presenting pictures of traffic situations. The items are constructed  using an explicit, theory-led rationale which is based on detailed analysis of the  cognitive processes involved in working the test. The design of the ATAVT is  based on the principles used in the well-established TAVTMB test but builds on  these by taking account of recent research findings relating to the perception of  scenes and objects. – Visiotest-Stereoscopy. The Visiotest-Campitest with 6 visual acuity tests  and the extension of the peripheral visual field. For the research, only the  stereoscopic visual test was used. The test consist in a table with letters (A, B, C)  which for a person with stereoscopic vision appears at different distances.The correlation matrix from Table 3 reveal the statistically significant  correlations between the criterias and the predictors. Thus, the criteria right curve,  cross road correlate statistically significant and positive with the following  predictors: tahitoscop corect (34**), DT corect (.27**), reaction time (.41**),  motor time (.32**). The same criteria correlate statistically significant and negative  (p Taking in consideration the criteria stop to the pedestrian crossing from the  same Table 3, can be observed a statistically significant and positive correlation  between this criteria and the following predictors: DT corrrect (.38**), motor time  reaction (.19*) and S.D. motor time (.17*). The same criteria correlate statistically  significant and negative with the following predictors: Viziotest-stereoscopy  (–.42**), DT omitted (–.41**) and tahito incorrect (–.18*).Analizing the correlation between the criteria total performances in driving  and the predictors can be observed a statistically significant and positive  correlation with the following predictors: tahitoscop correct (.46**), DT correct  (.53**), reaction time (.38**), motor time (.42**), S.D. reaction time (.31**) and  S.D. motor time (.27**). The same criteria correlate statistically significant and  negative with the predictors: Viziotest-stereoscopy (–.51**), DT omitte d (–.27**)  and tahito incorrect (–.32**). Applying the regression model for the criteria total performances in driving  the following regresssion model had been obtained (5). Table 4 Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R square 1 0.742 0.550 0.526 a) Predictors: (Constant), tahitoscop correct, tahitoscop incorrect, DT correct, DT incorrect, DT  omitted, TR motor time, S.D. reaction time, S.D. motor time, viziotest-stereoscopy;  b) Dependent variable: total performances in driving. Table 4 underlines an error reduction of the model with 55% and a strong  correlation between the independent variables and the criteria (0.742). Calculating the F value (23.29) the regression model have a strong predictive  value for the criteria total performances in driving (p Continued driver training in the form of guided lifelong self-improvement activities  is essential for acquiring new skills (Sommer, Herle, Hausler, 2007). These new  skills are required as driving gets more complex with technology: car audio  devices, reading maps on screens, using computers, note taking, talking on phone  or radio, GPS device. The Standard Quality Driving Curriculum needs to be kept  up-dated continuously and the latest additions are to be made available. These updates  are to focus on new developments that technology brings to vehicles and roads, all of which require the acquisition of new skills by drivers. The research finding reveal that designing psychological test batteries comes  in the help of safety traffic and minimizing the accident probability to occur only  taking in consideration the criteria validity.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Public Schools vs. Private Schools Essay

Public or private? That is the question. One important thing to keep in mind when determining a school choice is the long and short term effects on students and their views. The differences between them can help with the decision on which kind of school to choose. Public and private schools are different in funding and their learning environment. Public and private schools have different sources of support. Public schools depend on various government funding. One example being, they get funds from the state sales taxes collected from businesses, stores, etc. Another way they get their funds is by The Minimum Foundation Program, which is the state approbation formula. Finally, the most common way of funding is through local sales taxes and from the communities property taxes. Private schools, however, are not supported by money from the government. The main way they receive their money is the tuition payments made by the families of the students. Similarly, they’re also able to receive money from grants, such as The Private School Aid program, and also A+PELs Grant and Scholarship Program. Finally, charitable donations by the local community organizations play a big part in funding things needed for the  schools. Also, public and private schools have different learning environments.Public schools are generally known to have a poor learning environment. One example being, they have a tendency to be virtually all one race dependent on  the communities’ location. Also, their learning atmospheres are generally not a safe and secure environment. Finally, there would be more of a chance of being around drugs and violence. Public school discipline procedures tend to be more lenient. Often many rules are broken and nothing is done to punish the rule breakers. On the other hand, private schools tend to have a better learning environment. They’re mostly chosen for the well being of the child. For example, having strict procedures allows the student to have a more independent means of achievement. Also, they tend to have more racial diversity and economic groups, which put a better clientele of students together. And finally, having these procedures allows the student to focus more on their studies, rather than having to worry about what another student will do to them. In conclusion, there are different funding and learning environments in public and private schools. However, it is still up to an individual to make the choice on where to go. Some parents may choose public schools, because financially that is all they can handle. On the contrary, some will choose private schooling simply based on its learning environment. The better environment a student has the better protection and knowledge it will receive.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Positive Links Hope and Hapiness

As I read the article â€Å"Positive Links Hope and Happiness† by Jerry Lopper, my minds starts to wonder. What am I thinking about? I am wondering about the word â€Å"Hope. † I always say this to myself: without hope there would not be life. The article is about the function of hope in happiness, how hope and optimism are related, and how hope can determine academic success. In addition, the article also states that hope can be learned. Psychologist researchers study the role of hope in happiness. The psychologist researchers find out that it is very important and it adds a lot of aspects to people wellbeing. I agree with the author; many times when I feel sad, it is like my body cannot function. I remember one day, my mom left to go to America. I and my sisters were very sad. Often times, I would wonder if I will ever see her again. I had no hope and that took a toile on my life. First, I started cutting class at school. After, I started getting in a lot of trouble in my neighborhood. If I had had hope, maybe those things would have never happened to me. In the article, Mr. Lopper says hope and optimism are slightly different. Optimism perspective focuses on the positive in life. On the other hand, hope focuses on specific things in life. Mr. Lopper states that they are co-related with happiness. Mr. Lopper also states that famous motivational writer by the name of Dale Carnegie, identified that â€Å"most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. † I like those words, listening to it motivates me. I am going to achieve all my goals even if it seems impossible. One of my goals is to be a doctor. Even though at this very moment, it seems impossible; I know I can do it. I am going to have high measures of hope. In the article it says, people with high measure of hope have the ability to endure twice as much pain than people without hope. The good thing about hope, it can be learned. In a small study done by Ohio state university, the study places participants in a therapy session. They teach the participants skills that they believe are similar to hope. When participants are compared with people that are not in a therapy group, they possess significant measures of self-esteem, life meaning and anxiety. In conclusion, all of life challenges can be overcome if you have hope. I am going to leave this with people; without hope there is no life.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay on The Tragedy of Steroids - 3630 Words

Steroids that are used by athletes are the artificial form of testosterone, a human hormone released by the body to stimulate and maintain the male sexual organs. Testosterone is called a male hormone since it is produced in men in large quantities compared to the quantity produced in women (Mishra, 1-2). Hormones that are produced by the testes and the adrenal gland in men and ovaries and adrenal gland in women contains certain kind of fat called steroids, natural ones, which means solid in Greek. The body produces about 600 different kinds of steroids called androgens these kinds include testosterone. The amount of testosterone produced in males is about 10 to 15 times more than in women. For this reason we notice that†¦show more content†¦Steroids Development From the early ages man was concerned in increasing his power and his sexual ability. Athletes in the old Greek used to take some wine mixed with strychnine, stimulus of the CNS, taken from plants. Others ate hallucinogenic drugs (Reuters, 1). In 140 BC Indians used to eat testicle tissue that gave them sexual ability and helped in overcoming impotence problems. During 2000 Babylonians noticed that castration did not only caused fertility problems but also they lose their aggressiveness and power (Yesalis, 31-32). Steroids were first developed in the 1930s By Dr. Charles Kockakian, who was called the father of anabolic steroids, to prevent body tissues from breaking down due diseases, but the illegal use of steroids started in the Olympic games in the 1950s after the athletic committee has found that Russian athletes and some East European nations athletics won the majority of the medals and that was due to the use of steroids (Mishra, 1). This was a result after Paul de Kruif a science writer suggested in 1940s the idea of using the tissue-building drug to be used in sports so that athletes could enhance their performance. 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